Microservice Terminal Simulator

Blog Website

Fontys wants us to keep track of our progress in a blog format. I decided to make the blog a custom website. This looks more attractive, supports videos / gifs, and allows me to easily share the website with other students and employees. Tuesday, I asked for permission to make public blog from Pieter van `t Hof (my company supervisor). Afterwards I started with this website.

I started to use web frameworks to make an interactive website but decided that for now it would be too much. The main goal of this website is clean blog pages and not to show off my web development skills. So I created the website with plain JS, CSS, and HTML. I wrote the first week entry and created a demo video for it. The blog still needs the daily standup page. I will put this up next week.

The deployment is handled in GitLab CI/CD. It automatically updates the webpage after each commit to the git repository. The website currently is hosted on GitLab using GitLab pages API.

The website layout at the time of writing.

Project Plan

Last week I did not document much. I was focused on prototyping. So, I have some catching up to do. This week I want to finish a first version of the project plan document. Monday, I gathered information about the assignment and made a list of questions that I want to ask. Tuesday, I had my weekly meeting with my company supervisor. Here we discussed the goals of the project and possible research questions.

Afterwards I went to work on my document. I fleshed out the different chapters. Most interesting part for me were the research questions. After careful consideration I ended up with these research questions:

Each of these questions has loads of sub questions and research areas. They are quite difficult to answer.


I made a planning for this graduation period. It will be as follows:

Problem definition/ Orientation phase
08-02-2021 19-02-2021
Sprint 1 15-02-2021 19-02-2021
... ... ...
Sprint 15 07-06-2021 14-06-2021
Completion phase. This will be after the portfolio
submission deadline.This time will be used for the
implementation and presentation preparation.
15-06-2021 09-07-2021

Most of the graduation will be in scrum format. Both documentation and implementation are going to be iterative processes.

Next week I want to work on researching microservices and general architecture practices that can be applied to this context. I want to create a first version of the application to kick-off the scrum process. Each iteration I want to improve the architecture by researching different issues that come up.