Microservice Terminal Simulator


Every day I have an individual standup where I write what I have worked on the last working day, what I will do this day and encountered issues. This is done in the CoLab Teams environment. My company supervisor and other CoLab supervisor use this to gauge my progress and comment on my process.

Screenshot of a standup in the Microsoft Teams CoLab environment with feedback.

The standups are included in this page without the feedback.The feedback won't be included because not every employee is aware that the stand-ups in my channel are public annd it would require additional work on this website that I can better use on the project than on this website that few if any will read. A extract of the feedback will be included in the portfolio at the end of the internship.

Standup entries

Note: The stand-ups are done in Dutch as this is the language used in the CoLab Teams channels. The entries are added batch wise so expect these entries to update every week with the new blog entry.